Frequently asked questions about Denver West Pediatrics
Yes, we always welcome new patients to our practice! Please ensure we are in network with your insurance. If your child is new to the practice and needs a well visit, please note that we need all prior records sent to our office before making your appointment. This gives our doctors adequate time to prepare prior to your appointment and that means less wait time. It also allows an appropriate amount of time for the appointment in case there are additional issues to discuss. Thank you and welcome aboard!
Please refer to our Insurance page.
Yes, we promote breastfeeding and have a lactation consultant on staff. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding babies for the first six to twelve months. Breastfeeding helps defend children against infections, prevents allergies, and protects against a number of chronic conditions. While experts believe that breast milk is the best nutritional choice for infants, breastfeeding may not be possible for all women.
Some women have specific medical considerations that impede breastfeeding; others choose to feed by formula because of discomfort, work schedule, or lifestyle choices. In these cases, an iron-fortified, milk-based infant formula is a good alternative. We will gladly discuss your diet and feeding concerns at your child's well care visit, or please call during office hours to speak with our experienced nursing staff.
To make an appointment please call our office. To ensure the best use of time, for both our physicians and patients, all of our office visits are by appointment only. We ask that you arrive at our office 10 - 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time. This will allow you to complete any necessary paperwork and to update any demographic and insurance changes. If you must cancel an appointment, please notify us as soon as possible so we can offer that time to someone else.
For most prescription refills, please contact your pharmacy. For refills of controlled substances (such as ADHD medication) please call our office and follow the prompts for our prescription refill line. Allow one business day for all routine prescription refills. For prescriptions that require prior authorization from your insurance company, please plan ahead to allow at least three to five days for refill approval. Prescription refills for controlled substances such as pain medications are refilled Monday through Friday only.
We recommend that your newborn be seen in our office 1-2 days after discharge from the hospital. Our staff understands the importance of this first visit and will make every effort to schedule this visit promptly.
Every effort is made to arrange your child's well care and follow up visits with the provider of your choice. At our office, all patients will see our PAs as well as our physicians. When your child is ill, he or she may see any one of our providers.
To help protect your child from many serious infectious diseases, we follow the immunization schedule recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Please discuss your immunization questions and concerns with any of our pediatricians.
A pediatrician is a medical doctor who specializes in the care of children. Pediatricians have undergone special training in the health and illnesses of infants, teens and young adults, and are certified by the American Board of Pediatrics after passing a comprehensive exam.
Pediatricians provide preventive health care for children in good health and medical care for children who are acutely or chronically ill. They also provide parents with support and advice with issues such as growth and development, safety and prevention, nutrition, and emotional wellness to foster a lifetime of good health.
You will receive a call quickly with any lab results that require urgent attention. Other abnormal lab results will be addressed promptly by the provider that ordered the labs or tests. Normal values are reviewed and addressed by the provider that ordered them.
If you’re ever in doubt about whether your child needs a sick visit, call our office. The friendly staff asks a few questions to determine the severity of your child’s symptoms, and then help you decide if you need to come into the office.
You can schedule same-day sick visits any time the office is open.
Set a timer for 30 seconds and count the number of times your child’s chest rises. Double that number to get his respiratory rate.
If your baby or has any of the following symptoms, it could mean he’s having trouble breathing- please call us or 911 immediately:
To take your child's pulse, you will need a watch with a minute hand or stopwatch app (easier) with the minutes and seconds displayed. Find a quiet place where your child can sit or lie comfortably.
If your child has just been active (running, jumping, crying, etc.), wait at least 5 minutes to allow the heart time to slow down and return to a normal beat.
To feel a pulse, you press two fingers — your index ("pointer") and middle fingers — onto a major artery in the body. Press gently. Never press with your thumb, as it has a pulse all its own and can throw off a reading. When you've located the pulse, you will feel a throbbing sensation.
There are several areas on the body to read a pulse, but in kids these are generally the easiest places:
If you don't feel comfortable taking a pulse this way, or have difficulty, there is another option. Many smartphone apps and Apple watches can give pulse readings simply by pressing a finger over the camera lens or watch. For a good reading, your child needs to be very still, so this method works best in older kids who are more cooperative.
To measure height accurately at home:
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